Saturday, January 9, 2010

Applying to be a Movie Reviewer

Hey guys!

Recently my good friend Kidson Ho introduced me to apply for a job opening as an editor for a company which owns several websites. As I was hungry for more working experience, I immediately applied and received two assignments which I had to finish in 3-4 hours: 1) write something on mink blankets and 2) write any movie review. They wanted to test me on my English and warned me not to plagiarize. Well this is what I've come up with so do have a read!

PS: I have sent my work and awaiting any good news :)
PPS: Do let me know what you think about these 2 articles. I would very much appreciate any constructive criticisms.

• As there are no specific guidelines for the writing of this article on mink blankets, I will assume it is meant to educate potential customers on what mink blankets really are and why they should purchase one themselves; which in turn serves as an efficient promotional advertisement.

Mink Blankets: A Global Trend!

Let’s face it, there are some things at home that we just can’t live without these days: the television, air-conditioning, the washing machine, beds, pillows and yes, blankets too. Believe it or not, blankets are virtually a must-have in every household in the world; many people out there, including me, depend on them to get a better night’s sleep! Most of us would know that quality blankets do not come cheap. More often than not, we tend to give up such luxury and devise ways to save that extra buck. Some fancy self-made quilt blankets which are inexpensive but requires hours of work. Others settle for inferior towel-like blankets which can keep us sneezing the whole night. Being a really experienced homemaker, I can get really fussy when it comes to choosing quality and comfortable blankets for my family and I.

Recently, I chanced upon a kind of blankets that may not be too familiar to some of us but has turned out to be a trend-setting phenomenon elsewhere across the world. I was first introduced to mink blankets by a friend of mine after I complained to her that my existing blankets were worn out and no longer comfortable. She then suggested that I try out mink blankets for a change. “After all, mink blankets are known for their comfort and beautiful designs,” she said coolly. Being a fanatical animal-lover, naturally my initial response was less than pleasant! However, I later realized that mink blankets are not what their name implies after all. They are actually made of acrylic material which only mimics the feel and texture of real fur. Mink blankets originated primarily from Korea and China where they adopted the name ‘mink’ to describe how soft acrylic blankets feel and how luxurious they can actually look.

After much persuasion and persistence, I finally went ahead and ordered my very own set of mink blankets from a Fine Mink Blankets Sdn. Bhd. outlet for each of my family members. After several days of use, we managed to come up with only one conclusion: the mink blankets were nothing less than exceptional. The new blankets needed no getting used to as they kept us tucked in bed longer than any of their dull predecessors. Besides looking really gorgeous with its colourful themes and detailed designs, the mink blankets left us absolutely impressed with its unrivalled comfort that is only comparable to real fur. I now realise, with some measure of guilt, how enjoyable it really is to be covered in a plush, furry and warm blanket while drifting off to a long, deep slumber.

* Please note that FMB Sdn. Bhd. is a fictional company.

Shortly after, I decided to explore the world of mink blankets even further by trying out different types of mink blankets which are manufactured by other companies, namely San Marcos, Novatex, Ibena, Beiderlack and Fingerhut. In comparison, each company was only able to showcase a couple of unique mink blankets at best while the rest of their offerings looked rather dreary and generic. The designers at Fine Mink Blankets (FMB) however boast a cool collection of over 75 equally beautiful designs that are complimented with premium grade acrylic fibre. Although FMB also offers a range of cheaper ‘standard’ grade acrylic, rival models simply cannot compare in terms of overall quality and merely fizzles out of the competition.

* The other companies listed above and real mink blanket manufacturers.

After some research and information-digging, I learned a couple of this company’s trade secrets and how these factors have attributed to their continuing success in the Malaysian market. Mink blanket enthusiasts might not realize that many of FMB’s animal and flower themes were designed by the world renowned Bayer textile company in Germany. This same firm also produces “Dralon” acrylic, arguably the best blanket acrylic in the world.

*Dralon acrylic is in fact an internationally famous acrylic fibre.

What impressed me most is how well my superior mink blankets look even after several times of washing. Unlike their more inferior counterparts, FMB’s mink blankets have certainly come out tops in the tests of determining quality. Unfortunately, I am not able to let you feel and experience the soft, delicate touch of mink blankets by just describing them in words or showing you pictures. If you are looking for durable, reasonably priced, comfortable and yet pretty set of blankets, then mink blankets are certainly the ones for you. Don’t worry about sizes and colour as you would be spoiled for choice: sizes range from throws to twins, queens and kings and come in seven unique colours.

Just head down to one of Fine Mink Blankets’ outlets and you are well your way to a better night’s sleep for years to come.


2012 Movie Review

Now here’s a movie that attracts crowds. Droves upon droves of people would be more than willing to spend RM 10 on a movie ticket just to see Roland Emmerich’s version of how the world will come to an end. Well I’m sure everyone is somewhat excited when it comes to disaster film, even though each and every one of them offers the same few ingredients on the plate: violence, tragedy, carnage, death, and tons of explosions. Yes, moviegoers are expecting fireworks and they are out for blood. I believe we enjoy them so much probably because of simple reason: while we sit comfortably in the cinema munching on some popcorn, we relish the fact their we can laugh at our not-so-fortunate characters on the big screen juggling between saving the world and not get killed in the process. Only when we leave the cinema do we realise that Judgment Day could really just be two years away. That is what makes 2012 different from all the rest; it gives you a preview of what may or not may not come. But at the end of the day, it all boils down whether or not the entire flick was even worth watching.

In Roland Emmerich’s alter-Earth, he sets out on what could be his final disaster blockbuster and he’s pulling out all the stops on this one. Known for his other memorable works like Independence Day, Godzilla, and The Day After Tomorrow, fans and critics alike are expecting an extravaganza like never before. If you’re in for the much hyped about CGI scenes, then this movie will keep you at the edge of your seats. Forget it if you’re planning to watch a deep thrilling movie with a thick plot because this one is a definite no-brainer. You might be fooled because the movie itself starts off decently with a proper plot development and the introduction of key characters like Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) who is failed science-fiction writer and part-time limousine driver, and Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who first realises the Earth is falling apart. After 30 minutes of dialogue and lessons in Geography, Emmerich finally shifts gear and lets the CGI take over the silver screen. Doomsday is choreographed in real time with the destruction of California (yes, Arnold Scharwzenegger dies) and we see our heroes somehow managing to escape nature’s onslaught quite easily while millions other perish instantly.

If you’re catching my drift, this is where things get really insane, in a farfetched sort of way: what are the chances of Jackson Curtis acquiring an air-plane by just giving away a WATCH as collateral; have an ex-wife (Amanda Peet) who dates a plastic surgeon who somehow has training as a novice pilot? We’ll have to assume it’s sheer luck made possible only in Hollywood, since there is no other logical explanation. As Armageddon gets underway, Jackson Curtis and company finally arrive in Las Vegas where they meet up with his ex-boss, Yuri Karpov (Zlatko Burić), an Ukrainian billionaire who conveniently secures an Antonov aircraft and leaves just in time be to China where 3 arks are waiting for 400,000 handpicked and really rich individuals to arrive.

Here’s another flaw in the story which makes absolutely no sense at all: if I were someone rich like Karpov who has a ticket way in advance, knowing the world is ending soon, would I still be languishing in Las Vegas hoping an Antonov to appear from nowhere? But let’s be reasonable, people: for a movie to be fun, it has to be utterly nonsensical as well. As anyone would expect, the giant Antonov eventually runs out of fuel and crash lands on the mountainous region of China. You won’t see its passengers worry at all though, because beyond this vast wasteland, a fleet of People’s Liberation Army helicopters happen to pass by. Obviously only people who had tickets were airlifted but I can assure you Jackson Curtis is one blessed man and makes it to the ark anyway.

To sum it all up, this is one funny movie with scenes that are hilarious, although sometimes I suspect they were not meant to be so… ticklish. The plot fizzles away into the nothingness, the weak script would have destroyed the entire movie were it not for some decent acting by the cast and the CGI effects becomes a tee-wee bit repetitive and boring towards the end. Watch it once and you’ll feel this movie is like a salad bowl where bits of Emmerich’s previous movies are tossed into becoming one ‘great movie’. If it’s any consolation, 2012 is not at all a boring movie. It is a very entertaining movie which is quite satisfying but sadly not memorable.


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