Thursday, January 28, 2010

Of Jerks and Love

The following message is dedicated to all the jerks in my life, whether I like them or not. I very seldom hate anybody but there are those who really annoy me and ruffle my fur. I know you won't know who you are but please try and look in the mirror sometime.

"A jerk, then, is a man (or woman) who is utterly unable to see himself as he appears to others. He has no grace, he is tactless without meaning to be, he is a bore even to his best friends, he is an egotist without charm. All of us are egotists to some extent, but most of us - unlike the jerk - are perfectly and horribly aware of it when we make asses of ourselves. The jerk never knows."

-Sydney Harris

And now the definition of Love by yours truly:

"Love is like a bouquet of flowers. Its assorted colours are breathtakingly beautiful, and its aroma can be mesmerising. You tend to it everyday, you water it, you take care of it. But it comes a day when its colours start to fade and its scent loses its splendour. Ultimately, you just throw it away, in search of a new bouquet in its stead."


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